
US immigration announces second lottery round for H-1B visas. Details here | World News

In a surprising move, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced a second round of random lottery selection for the highly coveted H-1B visas for the fiscal year 2024. The decision comes as the USCIS discovered the need for “additional registrations” to meet the numerical allocations for the year. This development could be good news for more professionals seeking opportunities in the United States.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced a second round of random lottery selection for the highly coveted H-1B visas for the fiscal year 2024.(Reters File Photo)
The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced a second round of random lottery selection for the highly coveted H-1B visas for the fiscal year 2024.(Reters File Photo)

The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows U.S. companies to hire foreign workers in specialized occupations requiring theoretical or technical expertise. Technology giants, in particular, rely on these visas to bring in tens of thousands of skilled employees from countries like India and China each year.

First Lottery Selection in March 2023

In March, the USCIS conducted an initial random selection of electronic registrations for the FY 2024 H-1B cap, including beneficiaries eligible for the advanced degree exemption. Only those with selected registrations were eligible to file H-1B cap-subject petitions, and the filing period for them was from April 1 to June 30, 2023.

Second Lottery Round for More Chances

The USCIS has confirmed the need for additional registrations to fulfill the FY 2024 numerical allocations. To select these registrations, the USCIS will use a random selection process from the previously submitted electronic entries.

The USCIS has not disclosed the exact number of additional registrations required or the timeline for the second selection process. Once completed, all prospective petitioners with selected registrations will be notified, making them eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for the named beneficiary.

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Maximizing H-1B Quotas

As mandated by Congress, the USCIS can issue a maximum of 65,000 H-1B visas per year. Additionally, it can grant another 20,000 H-1B visas to foreign students who have completed higher studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects from U.S. universities.

The H-1B visa program plays a vital role in sustaining the U.S. tech industry’s workforce, attracting top talent from around the world. With the second lottery round providing a glimmer of hope for many aspiring professionals, the tech industry eagerly awaits the USCIS’s announcement of the selected registrations.

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The suspense continues as professionals, keep their fingers crossed, hoping for their chance to pursue their American dreams through the coveted H-1B visa program.

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